WordPress Maintenance & Support

We keep your website updated, safe and secure.

Don't risk having your website hacked! Keep it updated.

The secret to keeping your website up and running and free from unwanted visitors is to keep both WordPress and your plugins regularly updated. m2 is on hand to make this easy for you.

When did you last update your plugins?

Potential customers like to engage with businesses that are active online. Keeping your website content up to date is one thing, but more importantly, keeping any core software and plugins updated is just as critical, as an neglected website can open the door for potential hackers to disrupt. Utilising one of our website maintenance packages is a sure way to keep your WordPress website updated and secure.

Packages from $150/mth

WordPress Software Updates, Plugin Updates, Content Updates

To keep your website as safe as possible, it’s crucial to keep your core WordPress installation up to date and the latest plugin versions installed.

This can be a pain to manage, so let us take care of it for you!

Sleep easy at night knowing your website investment is kept safe.

What we can assist you with

bug fixes

Website Bug Fixes

Think of your website like a car, it needs regular maintenance to avoid major issues. Our care packages allow for small bug fixes to prevent further issues from occurring.

website updates

Software Updates

If you are running a Content Management System on your website it is crucial that the core files are kept up to date when new versions are released. This will ensure your website runs efficiently and decreases the chances of being compromised.

wordpress plugin updates

Plugin Updates

Along with the core CMS updates, keeping your website plugins updated is highly recommended. The most common cause of hacked websites are due to plugins becoming outdated resulting in security exploits.

website backups

Site Backups

Taking regular site backups ensures that you will always have a copy of your website on hand should anything happen to your live site. Whether it be a hacked site, or the loss of a hosting account, it pays to always have a backup.

wordpress content updates

Content Updates

Keep your users engaged with regular content updates and additions to your website. Publish fresh articles to keep Google and customers coming back to your site.

site speed fixes

Site Speed Fixes

Google is all about user experience, and just like Google your visitors won't likes a slow website. Our team can help speed up your website to give you a competitive edge on your competitors.

We ensure your website is kept updated to maximise security and longevity of your investment.


Insurance policy for your websites security
$ 150 Monthly
  • Core WordPress updates
  • Plugin updates
  • Monthly update report


Keep your site safe and regularly updated
$ 300 Monthly
  • WordPress Core updates
  • Plugin updates
  • 4 small jobs (30min each)
  • Daily secure backups
  • Uptime monitoring
  • Monthly maintenance reports

Once you have signed up it's as easy as 1-2-3

1. Submit your job request

Use our convenient support ticketing system to submit your job request.

2. One of our professionals will complete the job

Once your job is received it will be assigned to our of our professional team members to proceed with the job.

3. Review the job and mark complete

Once the job has been completed you will receive a notification to review the work and if happy mark the job as complete.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Request a quote or start a LiveChat.

If you would like to discuss any of our services or arrange a meeting feel free to contact us at any time using either the form or our LiveChat below.


2/2 Heather Street Wilston,
Brisbane QLD 4051

Phone +61 7 3059 9411